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March 22, 2017 Dear Honorable Members of the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, My name is Brad Hastings and I am a lifelong resident of Windsor. I intended to be at the March 14 meeting to personally show my support for Phil Thulen but that was cancelled due to the snow storm. Unfortunately, I am not able to attend the rescheduled March 22 meeting. There are many reasons to vote in favor of Mr. Thulen. Many of those are because of his high level of professionalism. However, I speak directly to the risk of losing Mr. Thulen as a generous W... read more



At Philip's Lawn Care we effectively manage your hardscape project. We do not over promise and use only the highest quality supplies providing you with beautiful results that will last for years to come.

With over 20 years of stone work experience and access to every type of material, we will work with you to create a design that will ensure your satisfaction and delight for years to come.

We take pride in our design principles and preparation:

  • Careful attention to drainage, avoiding future erosion problems or collapse.
  • We plan ahead, installing empty pipe under your patio for future applications.
  • Staff is kept current on the latest technologies and techniques resulting in the best possible results for you.

    Philip's Lawn Care Stonework services include:

  • Decorative and retaining walls
  • Poolscapes
  • Patio
  • Walks and Steps

    For More Information Call 860-688-4562  
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    Windsor, Connecticut     (860) 688-4562
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